Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Presidential Invitation...

Congratulations from...
President Obama & Michelle Obama 

It may seem like you have already invited everyone and their mother, literally, to your wedding. If you happen to have any extra invitations left over, you may want to invite one of the most influential and powerful couples on the planet.... The President of the United States and the First Lady. They are likely to decline your invite, but you do end up with an awesome keepsake from the White House!

To receive a memorable acknowledgment from Washington D.C., mail your invite to:

The Honorable Barack Obama and Mrs. Obama
The White House
Greetings Office Room 39
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500

Wedding invitations to the President can also be faxed to 202.395.1232

Please note, The White House greetings office handles many wedding invitation requests as they can. Send your invitation at least 6 weeks in advance. Be sure to include your old and new mailing address in case the RSVP comes later. 

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